Weekly News

News Links: 17 November 2023

Weekly Art

Weekly Art



Junior School Celebration Record

Nursery Izzy W for trying really hard to complete all challenges. Well done!
Reception Victoria P for knowing all her Christmas play lines off by heart. An amazing achievement.
1H Amelia F for being so helpful on the playground, making sure everyone has their belongings.
1T Mae C for excellent engagement and effort in Maths.
2C Alice D for wonderful effort in Maths
2N Anaya S for making a fantastic effort in Maths lessons.
3M Aisha P for settling down to work quickly and working with better concentration.
3B Maxie M for her interest in learning and contribution to class discussions.
4DJ Bella B-H for demonstrating an excellent work ethic all week.
4AJ Janae R for working really hard to improve both speed and accuracy with her times tables.
5M Maya F-R for her wonderful ‘Missing Chairs Mystery’ story. Sara Kamal for being an excellent ‘Mis-use of Apostrophes Detective.’
6M Nicole S for her creative personification poem.
6N Alina F and Amena D for their engagement and enthusiasm on our school trip to the Tate Modern.
Artwork of the Week Poppy-Mae (5M)  for her sensitive and calming sensory drawing exploring pattern.
Apolonia (6M) for taking on an independent and resilient approach to her identity sculpture.
Music Star of the Week Judy L (5M) for her enthusiasm and commitment in Music and for always showing support and encouragement when listening to others perform.
Enterprise Technology Star of the Week Maggie G (5M) for her fantastic video on Victorian Workhouses.
Drama Star of the Week Alice F-F (Reception) for being helpful and really trying hard.



Water bottles

Water bottles

Getting to the school

Getting to the school


Click image to read the transport guide

Our School Minibus service offers an efficient and flexible option designed to help families with journeys to and from school. Minibus travel is offered to pupils in Year 3 and up.

The service is managed on our behalf by Vectare, a specialist school transport management company. All bookings for our school bus routes are made via our online booking system, which can be accessed at croydonhigh.vectare.co.uk.

The website allows you to book travel 24/7 from anywhere, meaning that if you need to leave early for work one morning or are running late and you would like one of our students to travel on a school bus as a one off, you can make a booking right up until the route is due to depart. Payment for the school bus service is made at the time of booking, so there is no need for pupils to carry cash.

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