
Girls arrive at school and head for the Common Room where there is time to chat with all of the other early birds.


Form Time

Registration with Form Tutor where we pick up any important messages. Today the school nurse arrives to give us a crash course on first aid. We learn how to us the defibrillator, use CPR and put each other into recovery position.


Lesson 1

A Level students are encouraged to go out of their comfort zone and Siena and her peers work as a team to produce an abstract painting. With masks and goggles on, they even do some alfresco spray painting! At the end of the lesson, Siena stays behind to talk about her portfolio for architecture university applications and picks up some really valuable advice to help her to get ahead of the deadlines.




Lesson 3

Siena uses a private study period to work on her Extended Project Qualification investigating the building process of schools in developing countries. This project allows her to combine academic subjects in a way that reinforces her knowledge of, and interest in, architecture.

Learn more about the curriculum


Lesson 2

Maths. Starting a new topic today so it is helpful to have group discussions about what they think is the best way to approach it.



Some eat in school; other use Sixth Form privileges and go in to Selsdon to have lunch or bring a sandwich back to school. During the second half of lunch, girls have duties or clubs to attend or for some, it’s an opportunity to relax in the Common Room.


Lesson 4

Pathways Session. An architect comes in today to talk to Siena and other girls about her portfolio and to share portfolios which demonstrate the different ways to present work.


Lesson 5

Physics. Dissection of a cow’s eye today to investigate
diffraction and magnification within the lens and the retina.
Just your average Croydon High lesson!


Siena has an orchestra rehearsal after school to prepare for a performance at the end of the term. A great opportunity to mix with younger girls and work together toward a common goal

Learn more about our extra-curricular programme