Sixth Form
Pastoral Care
Throughout their time with us, Sixth Form girls benefit from exceptional levels of support, advice and pastoral care. This helps ensure they are happy and confident with their academic studies and receive all the support and guidance they need for university and beyond.
On joining the Sixth Form, each girl is assigned to a Tutor Group of no more than 15 students (though most are smaller), led by a Form Tutor. The Tutor is responsible for overseeing both her academic and pastoral development. Indeed, the Form Tutor delivers the tutorial programme which is designed to offer practical experience in how to prepare for life after school.
Each girl is encouraged to aim realistically high in planning the next stage of her development after Sixth Form. Whether she is moving on to Higher Education, employment, a gap year or vocational training, girls receive individually tailored guidance via their mentor on the Progression and Futures Programme.
The whole Sixth Form team are hugely experienced in getting girls through what can be a very demanding time. Girls are supported every step of the way as they prepare for exams, make choices, prepare personal statements and make applications to university or employment that have real depth, and which present them in their very best light. The personal knowledge that the staff have of each and every girl not only enhances this process, but gives them the security and the confidence to aspire to great things. We believe in them so they believe in themselves.
In short, Sixth Form staff do all they can, right up to results day, to help ‘every girl, every day.’