About us
Staff, Governors and Trustees
Our specialist staff are dedicated, inspirational and they love their work. Relationships between the staff and girls are supportive, proactive and warm. We pride ourselves on managing the balance between offering challenge and supporting each girl to be the best version of herself that she can be.
Staff are supported by a Senior Leadership Team whose work is overseen by the Head.
As a part of the GDST, the school’s performance is also overseen by the Directors and CEO of the Trust.
Our local Governors offer guidance, advice and a critical oversight, bringing expertise from their varied areas of specialism. We are extremely fortunate to benefit from the support of such a committed and capable team.
One of our current members of staff writes about their experience teaching here: “Croydon High’s way – and the GDST way – is so exactly representative of an ideal workplace, in my mind. The way Croydon High is concerned for mental and physical wellbeing of pupils AND staff, the way you’re open to change, the way you’re welcoming to everyone from any and all backgrounds, the way you encourage healthy discussions around accountability and how to make progress and improve… Working in this kind of environment is a dream.”
Title Name Subject Head Ms A Davies Music Head of Junior School Miss S-J Pendleton Deputy Head (Academic) Mr B Rew Mathematics Deputy Head (Pastoral) Mr D King Mathematics Assistant Head (Co-curricular) Mrs E Webb Drama Assistant Head (Sixth Form) Ms A Gilmour Physics Assistant Head (Digital Strategy) Mr K Murphy Computer Science Deputy Head of Junior School Mrs E Ruiz Director of Philanthropy and External Relations Mrs F Cook Director of Finance and Operations Mr J Nelson
Name Role Mrs C Gulliver Chair of Governors Ms N Fraser-Haynes Deputy Chair of Governors / Safeguarding Mrs J Baker School Governor Mrs R Broyd School Governor Professor R Cook School Governor Mrs R Evans School Governor -
Name Subject/Year Group Miss M Atkinson PE Mrs C Bird Art Mrs A Botham Head of Junior School PE Mrs K Bower Mrs N Crossfield Assistant Head (Pastoral & Outreach) Mrs A D’Aranjo EYFS Lead Miss S Delany Music Mrs A Harley Head of Junior Academic Support Mrs J Harrison Mrs A Johnson Head of Junior School Maths Mr D Johnston Assistant Head (Co-curricular & Operations) Mrs C Kirkby Drama Mrs M Krishnamurthy Head of Junior School Enterprise Technology Mrs C Male Ms S Mannooch Languages Mrs J Monaghan Head of Junior School English Mrs N Moorhouse Mrs E Nathanael Mrs C Nembhard Nursery Mrs S Newlands Mr A Wilks Mrs E Wragg -
Name Responsibility Mrs J Adkins After School Care Playworker Mrs R Abrahams Teaching Assistant Mrs M Bass After School Care Supervisor and Breakfast Club Supervisor Miss R Bass Teaching Assistant Mrs J Bullock Teaching Assistant Mrs W Butler Lunchtime Assistant Mrs C Connery Teaching Assistant Mr H Craze Gap Year Assistant Miss K Crosdale Gap Year Assistant Mrs E Deblock Academic Support & Neurodiversity Mrs S Grinham Teaching Assistant Mrs L Khan Lunchtime Assistant & After School Care Playworker & Teaching Assistant Miss A Lewis Gap Year Assistant Mrs K Pauling Lunchtime Assistant Miss E Quinn-Jones Gap Year Assistant Mrs K Redmond Teaching Assistant & Junior School Librarian Mrs A Skinner Lunchtime Assistant Mrs K Suggett Teaching Assistant -
Name Responsibility Mrs S Garrett PA to Junior Head & Junior Office Manager Mrs J Young Admin Assistant
Name Subject Additional Responsibilities Mrs M Aitken Humanities REP, History, Geography, English Miss N Ahmad Mathematics Form Tutor Ms A Azams Spanish Mr E Baker PE Head of Year 7, Head of House (Curie) Miss N Baptist Biology, Chemistry Yeargroup 8/9 Support Mrs A Barnett Art & 3D Design Mrs S Beck PE Head of Community, Yeargroup 10 Support Miss T Benns Classics Ms S Bhugalee Chemistry Form Tutor Miss R Bradley Drama, English Miss N Buckingham Music Mrs A Burgess English Miss T Butler PE Mrs R Conrad Biology Head of Science, Form Tutor Mr C Cordes Physics Head of Year Upper School (10&11) Ms A Cotton English Head of English, Form Tutor Mr G Cowie Psychology, Sociology Director of Academic Studies Mrs P M Diez Spanish Head of Spanish, Year group 8 Support Mrs E Eminson English Ms K Fenwick History, Politics Head of History, Assistant Head of Year 10 Mrs K Ferguson-Burke Biology, Physics Assistant Head of Year 8 Mr G Flower Latin and Classical Civilisation Form Tutor, Head of House (Garrett) Mrs K Gavin Religion, Ethics & Philosophy Head of Religion, Ethics & Philosophy Mrs V Gent German Mrs S Gower Geography, Religion, Ethics & Philosophy Director of Sixth Form Experience, Form Tutor Ms J Greaves 3D Design, Art Form Tutor Ms K Harvey Religion, Ethics & Philosophy Ms L Head PE Director of Sport, Year group 9 Support Mr A Holdsworth Computer Science Mrs H Howgego Chemistry Head of Chemistry, Form Tutor Miss C Howie English Second in Department, Head of Academic Scholars Ms N Jalali English Form Tutor Mrs K James Biology STEM Universities Coordinator, Year group 11 Support Ms N James Psychology, Sociology Head of Psychology & Sociology & Director of Pupil Wellbeing Mrs J Jones French Head of French Mrs A Karteepan Physics Head of Physics, Form Tutor Mr B Kazi Mathematics KS3 Mathematics Coordinator Miss S Kermani Mathematics Yeargroup 7 Support Mrs C Krause PSHE Head of PSHE, Head of Year 8/9 Miss N Kreinczes Progression & Futures Head of Progression & Futures Mrs A Kugathas Biology, Chemistry Form Tutor Mrs S Leppala Chemistry Form Tutor, Innovation and Enrichment Lead (Science) Mr J Loveday Religion, Ethics & Philosophy, Politics Head of Politics, Assistant Head of Year 7, Form Tutor Ms S Mannooch Latin and Classical Civilisation Mrs L Miller PE Year group 8/9 Support, Head of House (Seacole) Mrs A Morez French Mrs L Morgan-Collins Drama Head of Drama Mrs M Murphy Mathematics 2iC Mathematics Mrs M Murray History Head of Year 8/9 Ms N Neoh Physics / Chemistry Mrs J Newbery PSHE Head of PSHE Mrs L Palmer Art, 3D Design Form Tutor Miss A Paris French Year group 9 Support Mrs L Ridgway French Form Tutor Miss R Seal Mathematics Head of Mathematics, School Timetabler Mrs N Ruggins EAL Teacher of EAL Mrs M Serradilla Business, Economics Head of Business & Economics Mrs H Sharples Academic Support & Neurodiversity Ms R Sigusch German Head of MFL Miss P Simmonds English & Drama Head of Year 8/9 (maternity cover) Miss J Sinclair Religion, Ethics & Philosophy Mrs E Smith Art, 3D Design Head of Art & 3D Design, Director of Teaching and Scholarship, Form Tutor Mr M Suranyi Music Director of Music Mr J Ting Music, Computer Science Technology Integration Specialist, Form Tutor Mrs C Tooke English Head of Year Upper School (10&11) Mr K Watson Geography Head of Geography Ms G Whittingham Classics Head of Classics Mrs P Wood Spanish and French Mrs Y Zhen Mathematics -
Name Responsibility Mrs D Arun Science Technician Mr P Coley Science Technician Mrs E Deblock Academic Support Teaching Assistant Ms C Duncan Art & 3D Design Technician Mr D Mooney Theatre/AV Technician Miss A Rolle Learning Resource & Information Hub Manager Mrs H Shonpal Academic Support & Neurodiversity Teaching Assistant Mrs L Tapsfield Learning Resource & Information Hub Manager Mrs K Thomas Science Technician Miss T Yam Art & 3D Design Technician -
Name Subject Mrs M Maquieira Spanish Mrs A Mitropoulos German Mrs Z Toorabally French -
Name Responsibility Mrs L Alpin Marketing & Communications Coordinator Miss M Bellarby Deputy Manager (Sports Club) Mrs J Bloxsome School Nurse Mr L Butler Caretaker Mrs B Congram Administration Assistant Mr S Corcoran Minibus Driver Mrs E Decambre Receptionist/Administration Assistant Miss K Dickson Cleaning Supervisor Mrs H Elkins Receptionist/Administration Assistant Mr C Grimwood Sports Club Manager Mr M Gunstone Caretaker Mr S Haridasan ICT Technician Mr P Kyriakides Premises Traffic Attendant Miss L Houghton PA to Head Mrs K Lee Head of Marketing & Communications Mrs G Lewis Examinations & Assessment Officer and Data Manager Mr A Lubinski Caretaker Mrs L Martin Assistant Exams Officer & Assessment and Data Coordinator Mrs L McHardy Minibus Driver Mrs R Milne Finance Assistant Mrs N Moore Head of Admissions Mr L Mutti Premises Manager Ms A Phillips HR and Compliance Officer Ms W Pryce School Counsellor Mr M Rackauskas Premises Traffic Attendant Mrs V Reeve Finance Manager Mrs K Reynolds PA to Senior Leadership Team Mrs K Roe Alumnae Relations Mrs S Smith Admissions Registrar (Senior School) Mr M Taylor Facilities & H&S Manager Mr A Tomczyk IT Operations & Development Manager Ms S Vaughan Office and Events Manager
Name Harvey Craze Kezyrah Crosdale Anna Lewis Ellie Quinn-Jones -
Name Mrs G Belson Piano Ms S Boyd Singing Mr D Cox Clarinet/Saxophone Mrs J Cox Flute Mrs H Dennis Oboe Miss R Dyer Piano/Harp Mr B Ellsbury Piano Mrs K Karelis Singing Mr C Kimber Percussion Mrs E Martin Piano/Violin Mr A Moore Guitar Mrs A Mulroy Singing Miss L Nagioff Cello Mr M Payne Brass Mrs V Smith Violin Ms G Tay Piano Mrs S Warwick Violin