About us
Our Vision and Values
Croydon High is a community where every girl is valued. We tailor our approach in line with our mantra, ‘every girl, every day’, to ensure that we offer an exceptional education where everyone can aspire without limits. At Croydon High we are:
We believe that everything is possible and we set no limits as to what each girl can achieve.
We develop the key skills and the confidence to ensure every girl believes in herself and that she can achieve her goals.
We celebrate all successes no matter how big or small, knowing that we all have a part to play in supporting each other.
We nurture an empathetic approach ensuring that we listen to others and are kind in all we do.
This simply means we aim to ensure that every girl enjoys the very best learning experience possible every day.
It means that we take the time to get to know every girl, as a person, as a learner, as a performer, or a sportswoman and we recognise her individual potential.
It means we learn how to offer her the right level of challenge in a way that builds excitement and her confidence because she knows she will always be supported and understood.
At every stage, girls celebrate their successes and those of their peers. Academic results are outstanding. The community is strongly supportive and girls’ happiness is paramount.
Enrichment opportunities are extensive for everyone with our elite performers modelling excellence for their peers.
We offer academic challenge, extensive enrichment and a unique education for remarkable girls.
The Croydon High learning experience is characterised by academic adventure, wide ranging opportunities to excel, a balance between challenge and individual support and a passionate and dedicated staff for whom the girls are always the first priority.
Enrichment opportunities are extensive for everyone with our elite performers modelling excellence for their peers.
The girls who leave Croydon High School are remarkable; they are typically confident and engaged in school life and are compassionate and ambitious individuals.