Our Videos | Croydon High School

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Aspire Without Limits at Croydon High

Welcome to Croydon High Juniors

Sixth Form Futures

Senior School Performing Arts

Why they love the Juniors

Sports at Croydon High

Year 3 at Croydon High

Girls First - Why Girls-Only?

Girls First Event - Why Girls-Only? Panel Discussion

Girls First Event - Why girls-only? with Dr Kevin Stannard

TEDx Youth: Annabel Davies - Sorry not sorry: Unapologetically push boundaries

TEDx Youth: Fallon V and Mr Ting's performance

TEDx Youth: Millie Mensah - Period Positivity by Design

TEDx Youth: Dr Mayoni Gooneratne - Are you real-world health ready?

TEDx Youth: Anaiya S - How much longer will we fear our mediocrity?

TEDx Youth: Amelia W - Unseen at the bus stop: Challenging bias and redefining leadership

TEDx Youth: Alice C - Girlboss: The Modern Archetypes Ancient History

TEDx Youth: The Dream Gap