Weekly News

News Links: 1 December 2023

Weekly Art

Weekly Art



Junior School Celebration Record

Nursery Ada N for trying really hard to complete all challenges and for learning to zip her coat up all by herself.
Reception Amelia A for always conducting herself well in class, and being a great role model.
Imogen L for always having a positive attitude and participating fully in every lesson.
1H Seium R for her excellent recall of nativity dances and modelling the moves to others.
1T Layla L for approaching everything with positivity and maximum effort.
2C Olivia R for excellent behaviour and fantastic Nativity rehearsals
2N Elise A for putting such great effort into her work, and for behaving so maturely during our Nativity rehearsals.
3M Emma B for consistent effort particularly in tackling Maths challenges and creative writing
3B Elana S for her excellent effort and detailed written work based on the Shackleton story.
4DJ Iyla P for persevering with her maths work this week.
4AJ Bela M for some excellent pieces of English work based on ‘The Story of Tutankhamun’.
5M Leela D and Maggie G for their extremely persuasive letter writing.
5W Raaiyah K for her fantastic persuasive letter as Tom from ‘Tom’s Midnight Garden’.
6M Lucy T for an excellent character diary based on ‘The Explorer.’
6N April A for producing a detailed project about the Maya and their discovery of chocolate.
Artwork of the Week Ruhi (Year 1) for her fabulous use of marks in her beautiful remembrance day printed poppies.
Music Star of the Week Charlotte C (1H) for her beautiful singing and being so conscientious in learning the song words for the KS1 Nativity.
Enterprise Technology Star of the Week Alayna S (Reception)
Mae C (1T)
Sienna G (1T)
Charlotte C (1H)
Jade P (2N)
Jaya L (2N)
Francesca L (2C)For demonstrating great creativity when designing the Nativity programme booklet cover page.
Drama Star of the Week Theodora T (2C) – for her brilliant acting and always staying in character!

Water bottles

Water bottles

Getting to the school

Getting to the school


Click image to read the transport guide

Our School Minibus service offers an efficient and flexible option designed to help families with journeys to and from school. Minibus travel is offered to pupils in Year 3 and up.

The service is managed on our behalf by Vectare, a specialist school transport management company. All bookings for our school bus routes are made via our online booking system, which can be accessed at croydonhigh.vectare.co.uk.

The website allows you to book travel 24/7 from anywhere, meaning that if you need to leave early for work one morning or are running late and you would like one of our students to travel on a school bus as a one off, you can make a booking right up until the route is due to depart. Payment for the school bus service is made at the time of booking, so there is no need for pupils to carry cash.

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