News & Events

We never go out of style!

The buzz in Sixth Form only grew as our Friday and Saturday performances of the Croydon High and Whitgift Fashion Show were getting closer, and we hoped all of our hard work would pay off. And it did!

Backstage was crazy with people running around trying to make it in time for their catwalk, inflatable dinosaurs panicking because they didn’t have a battery for their costumes, and everyone being reminded to smile on stage.

The shows really brought the two year groups of Croydon High and Whitgift together as our shared stresses and panics about various catwalks or cues floated through the sixth forms. There were even a few tears as Whitgift presented the head girl team with a card signed with small messages from all the boys, and I’m sure the staff were so relieved that they no longer have to worry about where our costumes are, or even where we are when we’re supposed to be on stage.

The relief we all felt when walking off the stage for the last time on Saturday night was nothing compared to the excitement and joy we had experienced from performing for everyone over the two nights.

Overall, we raised an incredible £5,000 for our two charities, Winston’s Wish and Young Minds, and we are hoping these donations will keep coming in as we prepare for the Sixth Form charity netball matches later on this year.