News & Events

Carols at The Minster

On Wednesday 14 December Croydon High’s Music Department treated us, once again, to an evening of absolutely exquisite choral and festive music, raising spirits as the autumn term draws to a close.

The service, combining nine readings interspersed with traditional and contemporary musical arrangements, really showcased the talents of our pupils and their dedicated teachers. From the hauntingly beautiful introduction of the Hodie chant, sung by Head Girl, Eleanor followed by Once in Royal David’s City, performed with such confidence by Matty in Year 7, to the talented trio of Lottie, Aila and Sophia who harmonised so beautifully performing, Jesus Christ the Apple Tree.

Our Year 5 and 6 choir’s heart-warming performances of That First Christmas Day and  O Come and Join the Dance were very much appreciated by the congregation as were the breath-taking sounds of the Senior and the Chamber Choirs, whose voices rang out with such purity in the still air of The Minster, as they performed  Gabriel’s Message with solo performed by Evie W, taken from an old Basque Noël, and Tsaba, Tsaba a traditional Botswanan piece, and the sublime O Holy Night. The Year 7 and 8 Choir also delivered the Danish traditional carol, O Come Little Children beautifully, showing such promise for the future of our choirs. Special mention to our talented Sixth Form duo, Liv H and Aila who sang the haunting and unusual, Mary, Did you Know?

During Blended’s acapella take on Silent Night, we took the opportunity to honour our first Headmistress (1874 to 1902), Dorinda Neligan, whose memorial plaque is in The Minster. Upper Sixth’s Amelia laid a wreath of roses and ivy to recognise the legacy of this inspirational woman. There are too many highlights to mention here.

Thanks to all those whose readings contributed to the ambience and left us all full of Christmas spirt. This was manifest in the warm appreciation from families as they left the Minster, as well as in the generosity to the retiring collection. We are delighted to be able to send £452.60 the Croydon Churches Floating Shelter; an amazing organisation which supports the homeless in the Croydon area. Ms Davies declared herself to be ‘thrilled and proud’ at the end of her first Carol Service as Head, saying it was certainly one of the highlights of the term.

Many thanks to all those ‘behind the scenes’, especially Ms Vaughan, Mrs Roe, Mrs Beck and our wonderful catering and premised teams. Thank you to Mrs Webb, for being Mrs Webb and bringing that sparkle. And a final word of appreciation for our Music Departments, Senior and Junior, who worked so hard to deliver such a memorable occasion, especially of course to Mr Suranyi who brought everything together in a crescendo of festive joy!

Mrs Cook

Director of External Relations and Philanthropy