Other Partnerships | Croydon High School


  • We endeavour to engage and support local schools buy offering sports facilities at reduced rates – or free of charge where possible- and involving them in events we are running. For example, Greenvale Primary School use our swimming pool on a regular basis and Selsdon Primary School have put on their year 6 production in our Senior Hall.


  • We run a Creative Writing event for Year 2 children every February, promoted heavily to the local state schools and a significant number from schools in a particularly financially disadvantaged locality. The feedback has been really positive including this from one parent:  “ Just wanted to thank the CHS team for a fabulous workshop. Freya is what you’d call a ‘reluctant’ writer, yet she came home very animated and excited. She’d had a wonderful afternoon and was asking if there would be another. Thank you so much for inviting her.”


  • Our sixth formers volunteer to help with reading at a local Primary, with Years 10 and 11 girls having previously set up a Book Club here for children at the same school.


  • We always include local schools in relevant events, inviting them to send delegates to debating and sixth form conferences, careers events and Oxbridge and UCAS preparation evenings.


  • We run our Stay and Play session, Little Ivy’s, for babies and toddlers. Although an entrance fee is charged, it is heavily subsidised and the children are given access to excellent facilities, high quality refreshments and often included in junior school events. It is widely regarded as one of the best quality and best value playgroups around.