News & Events

The Ivy Link Spring Coffee Morning 2024

April 19, 2024

Ms Davies hosted the Ivy Link coffee morning for alumnae and former school staff for classes between 1950-2021.

On the last day of the spring term, Ms Davies hosted the Ivy Link coffee morning for alumnae and former school staff. The tables were set in the Holt Hall foyer, with delicious pastries, seasonal hot cross buns, fresh coffee, and bunches of daffodils everywhere.

We displayed items from our archives in the Holt Hall, mainly school magazines and whole school photos. Some of our guests brought in memorabilia from their school days, including photo albums, school reports, and items of school uniform.

Ms Davies gave a warm welcome, updating our guests on all the latest news from the school and assuring them of how much our community appreciates the support of the Ivy Link network.

After refreshments, we invited our guests to share some of their stories with our fabulous prefects. We are collecting stories of life at Croydon High as a pupil or staff member over the years ahead of our 150th Anniversary.

Lower Sixth pupil, Rashna, writes…

On 27 March, I attended the Ivy Link Alumnae coffee morning, not knowing what to expect. It proved to be a very enlightening morning when I met former students and staff who had attended the school between 1950 and 2021. It was fascinating to hear about their experiences as pupils and staff at Croydon High, and it was amazing to learn how different the school was in the past. There were periods during former years when the focus was purely on academic studies with no allowance for the liberal arts; there were no separate houses and, consequently, no associated activities. It must’ve been very dull when I consider the range of events that we enjoy these days.

On a more personal level, I asked some of the ‘old girls’ how much they had enjoyed and benefited from being at Croydon High. It was reassuring to learn how much the preparation the school provided for onward education had helped them. Amazingly, all the ladies I spoke to had fond memories of attending the school and one, a student from the 1970s, appeared in her old school jumper, which proves how much she treasured her memories! The occasion of the gathering also produced the opportunity for networking, which my friends and I were delighted about. One particular piece of advice will stay in my memory; I was told, “Enjoy your time here as later in life you will appreciate how special it was”. Well, as the saying goes, your school days ARE the best days of your life.

To finish the morning, we were entertained by Year 7 Zoe, who played Willie Wagglestick’s Walkabout by Brian Bonsor on the piano. Guests were amazed at Zoe’s talent.

It was a very happy morning, and judging by the letters and emails of thanks that were received, it was one that was very much appreciated by all who came.

Thanks to everyone who came to make this an enjoyable occasion. Particular thanks, as always, for the hard work of our catering team, premises team, and Sixth Form girls.

Mrs Karen Roe
Alumnae Relations Managers