News & Events

Year 6: Enterprise Challenge Awards Evening

March 22, 2024

Year 6 pupils had a great time at the 2024 Year Enterprise Challenge Awards Evening. They have been working really hard over the past few months on their projects. They worked collaboratively with their team members to write a business plan, create a logo, formulate a pricing strategy, create branding and marketing content, build a website and film an advertisement for their enterprise.

On Thursday, 14 March, they set up their enterprise stalls to showcase their products and services and pitched their ideas to a panel of judges.

The judges had a really hard time choosing winners, but two top teams had to be picked. The winners of the Gold Award were iSnap by Arya, Ava, Cherry, and Suhani. The Silver Award went to Organic Beauty by Ayla, Hannah H, Hiru, Lyla, and Sianna. The People’s Choice Award winners were Sunrise Accessories by Hannah J, Rosie, Shamira, and Tabitha. Congratulations to the winners, and well done, everyone!

Mrs Krishnamurthy
Head of Junior School Enterprise Technology

Taking part in the Enterprise challenge was a brilliant experience for me and the whole of Yr6. This evening gave us all a special chance to shine at different things like: teamwork, business skills, coding, planning, designing and using our imagination to come up with clever ideas. I was a part of iSnap, and I think that taking part in this project gave us a taste of what creating an app is like. Looking back, we’ve come so far and we probably wouldn’t have known how brilliant and successful our apps would become.

The enterprise evening was a sight to behold. There were different stalls, different people, and different colours, but somehow, Mrs Krishnamurthy managed to organise this into one enjoyable evening for all. I think most people enjoyed being young entrepreneurs for the past few weeks because being able to create a business is a great learning experience. We spent a lot of time on this project, and I’m glad we did because, as well as being a learning experience for us all, it was a chance for us to take a taste of the real world, which for Year 6 pupils isn’t too far away.

Working on his experience was a fabulous experience for me and gave me a taste of what business would be like. The Enterprise Challenge Evening gave me a chance to see how you need to think when you want to own a business. You need to be creative and think in a unique way to other people. I have also learnt what you need to be like to own a business. A successful business person needs to work well with their team, always encourage their teammates and be creative.

We can tell that everyone in Year 6 put so much work and effort into this project, and all of our hard work has paid off. We think that we can all agree that this was a brilliant learning experience for all of us, and we got our first taste of business. Our group was Energi, and even though we didn’t win a prize, we felt very proud of ourselves because of how far we have come.
-Lucy, Amaya, Maahi, Medina

Our Enterprise Challenge was very fun and it was a great experience for us. We really enjoyed ourselves especially making our logo and mascot. The part we found the hardest was the HTML coding. We are very proud of our achievement and hope we get another opportunity like this in the future.
-Zara, Ashni, Inarah, Amaiya