News & Events

Luna App – Empowering Girls through the TeenTech Revolution

March 1, 2024

Luna is a health and wellbeing platform specifically for teenagers which provides a safe space to access trustworthy advice and guidance. The concept for Luna began at the University of Oxford’s Business School where Jas Schembri met her business partner Jo Goodallin in 2021. Both former Consultants at Deloitte knew they wanted to move away from the corporate world and focus on founding and growing a business.

Jas initially spoke to Years 7 and 8, giving the pupils a personal insight into how she manages her own wellbeing, discussing her ‘balance triangle’ and talking through how she has successfully used journaling, positive affirmations and goal setting to accomplish her ambitions. The pupils were asked to use an interactive platform to share live feedback on topics such as ‘Tips for improving your own wellbeing’. The pupils gave well-rounded advice from ‘taking an everything shower’, ‘speaking to a trusted adult/friend’, ‘going for a walk outside’ to ‘use Luna’! The last one Jas was particularly fond of! The pupils have been encouraged to take part in the Luna Challenge that has been running for the month of February, it was great to hear so many pupils have been involved and Jas was very appreciative of the questions and feedback she received from the users.

Jas also delivered a 45-minute presentation to our Lower Sixth pupils, talking through her education and career journey. The pupils were very keen to hear how she set up her business and what challenges she faced in raising funds. Jas was very honest about the difficulties she has faced but offered some great advice. Her number one tip was to ‘network’!

We hope to stay in contact with Jas and Jo as they build their company and look forward to hearing how the pupils are successfully using the Luna app.

Ms Nerys James
Head of Psychology & Sociology, Director of Pupil Wellbeing & Deputy Head of Sixth Form