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2019 Sixth Form Induction Trip

This year our Lower Sixth began their A level studies with three days of induction activities. The first was spent up at the prestigious Royal Institution where the magnificent setting was the location for a series of presentations, workshops and inter-GDST and alumnae networking opportunities. The students found Samira Ahmed (journalist, and broadcaster at the BBC) especially interesting and her advice emboldening and affirming. Girls were told to believe that “they were enough” and encouraged to use their talents to change the world for the better. In the afternoon, we were joined by one of our own alumnae, Katie Tomsett, who received a huge cheer from our girls.

The next two days were spent on our new Induction Trip “A Taste of the Future” the aim of which was to provide information and skills that would help them make the most of the next two years. A packed visit to the University of Sussex included a session on study skills, the psychology of different personalities and social interaction concluding with a fish and chips supper in Brighton. The next day, workshops/activities at a variety of venues covered the valuable qualities of courage, resilience and teamwork. The day ended with some culture in front row seats at the very popular, all female, West End Show – “Six”. The following are accounts written by some of the Lower Sixth.

Arriving at the University of Sussex, all the students were slightly uncertain about what we were going to do, where we were going to stay overnight and whether or not the lectures were going to be tedious. Our worries were soon proven wrong. After arrival, we swiftly made our way to the lecture theatre, and were pleasantly surprised by the modern room and the choice of coral pink chairs. A lecture on study tips was first. The speaker mentioned useful tips and tricks, debunked revision myths and overall enlightened us with a smarter, more effective way to revise, note-take and ultimately succeed during exams. Secondly, we had a lecture on the university lifestyle and what we will need to bring in order to live comfortably during the university duration. Shockingly for some, we were told the expensive prices of the accommodation on and off-campus. However, we were then told about the abundance of jobs available for students in order to help finance the university lifestyle. Both lectures were incredibly eye-opening, interesting and motivating as well as being applicable to all universities over the country. -Kaitlyn

In the afternoon, we took part in a ‘C-Me Lite’ Workshop where we learnt more about what type of person we are, based on colours. It was an enjoyable activity as the teacher made all the students stand in the middle and move left and right depending on the statement asked and what they would do in that situation. We found it interesting to learn about ourselves as well as our classmates, understanding one another and why people may act in different ways. It also taught us how to approach one another in a working situation and how to get the best out of each other’s strengths. Now back at school we are all still talking about the colours we are, even with teachers! It was a lovely learning experience.– Aleeya

On the second day of the trip  we were able to visit Blacklands Farm where we got the opportunity to take part in various team building activities. The first activity was the archery. This was a really exciting chance to try something new, while also learning many new skills. The second activity we took part in consisted only of some crates and a harness. The objective of this task was, in pairs, to climb up as many crates a possible – having to rely on your partner to help you up. This was a really successful bonding activity as we were dependent on our partners and had to trust that they were supporting us. The final activity, and arguably the most challenging, was the ‘leap of faith’. We had to climb to the top of a telegraph pole and jump from the top onto a trapeze. Despite the seemingly impossible climb, followed by the breathtakingly high jump, every student on the trip managed to jump onto the trapeze – and so did all the form tutors! – Analisa

On Wednesday evening year 12 was treated to the popular West End show “SIX”: a rock concert featuring Henry the VIII’s six wives. All the girls – even some who swore they would hate all 75 minutes of the performance – thoroughly enjoyed watching this empowering all female cast and band shine a light on the rather tragic lives of the six women from a feminist perspective. The talented actresses in sparkly costumes and killer dance moves were also such lovely people when we met them at the stage door after the show. We were so lucky to meet Millie O’Connell (Anne Boleyn), Shekinah Mc Fariane (Catherine of Aragon) and Maiya Quansah-Breed (Catherine Parr) and to have the wonderful experience of seeing the show. – Megan