News & Events

Sports Scholars Lunch

The PE department welcomed Sports Scholars and Exhibition holders to lunch on Wednesday 8 September. The new Year 7, together with Year 9 and 6th form pupils, were presented with their scholar badges, to wear with pride until the end of the U6. The 5 Olympic Rings on the badges represent the 5 continents and the five values of Joy of Effort, Fair Play, Respect for Others, pursuit of excellence and balance between body, will and mind. At Croydon High we are always in pursuit of achieving these values within our sports programme.

It was lovely to see the new scholars welcomed into the Croydon High family with all year groups getting to know each other. Each one will meet with their PE mentor and enjoy meetings, activities and talks over the course of the year. We wish them all well, both in the pursuit of excellence in their chosen sport(s) and of course in their academic accomplishments.

Congratulations to them all!

Ms Head