News & Events

CroyMUN 2019

On Saturday, we held our fifth annual model United Nations conference (CROYMUN) and, with over 280 delegates from 27 different schools participating, this year’s event was our biggest yet.

The delegates spent their day in one of seven committees modelled on the committees which actually sit at the UN. The Commission on the Status of Women, for example, debated the question of women’s contraceptive rights. Delegates assessed the current situation in countries where contraception is not readily available, and the significant consequences for the ability of women to plan their lives, and the sorts of solution that might be available.

The Council on Human Rights debated the rights of gay people. Although attitudes to homosexuality in many countries have undergone a rapid transformation in recent years (e.g. in his 2008 presidential campaign Barack Obama opposed same-sex marriage, but seven years later in 2015 it was legal in all 50 states) and homosexual relationships are now legal in a majority of countries, same sex marriage is recognised by fewer than 30. Homosexuality is still a criminal offence in 70 countries and in 11 is punishable by execution. This meant that the committee had the difficult job of reconciling diametrically opposed views.

In all the committees, vital global issues were discussed. ECOFIN (the economic and financial committee) considered the issue of neo-colonialism; the Disarmament and International Security Committee looked at the impact of organised crime on global security; the Social, Cultural and Humanitarian Committee debated the increasing use of mercenaries in conflicts around the world; the Special Political and Decolonisation Committee discussed the payment of reparations to former colonies; and the Security Council argued the questions of Libya and Western Sahara.

The conference saw lots of intense discussion surrounding the topics which have an impact on all the member states. Joint Secretary-General Josie commented: “Every committee has seen lots of stimulating debate, which has resulted in an excellent day. I have been so happy to see everyone really involved throughout the conference.” Maddie, her co-Secretary-General, also said: “Such a shame that this is my final year taking part in the conference, but delighted to finish it on a high.”

We thank every participant for attending CROYMUN 2019.

We hope that you found the day rewarding and we look forward to seeing you next year.