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Thursday night saw public exam performances recognised for the new L6th cohort and for the Class of 2019 Leavers.

The assembled year groups and parents were treated to Yutong Guo playing Frederic Chopin’s “Raindrop” prelude, and a few scenes from “She”, the researched, devised, rehearsed and Edinburgh Fringe Festival performed show, put on by a collection of our Sixth Formers.

Hearing an update from Mrs Pattison reminded the hall how much is packed into a Croydon High School year, and with such success. Guest of Honour Sarah Nelson Smith echoed the implicit learning that goes on by taking part in so much of that offering, and left the room, particularly the leavers, with five sage pieces of advice. Sarah, an alumna from 1998 with a hugely successful career within law, charitable governance and more recently author of a new book, put anecdotes to the following five “what I wish I’d known”, which bear repeating here:

If you have to do it, do so in good humour; If you don’t know, ask; Care, but not too much; Kindness enriches lives; You are enough.

May the Class of 2019, and all pupils, have the opportunity to display each of these in the next chapter of their lives. We look forward to seeing leavers at an Ivy Link event soon.

Mr David King

Deputy Head (Pastoral)