News & Events

Year 6 Academic Scholars’ Induction Day

Sapientia fons Vitae- Wisdom is the Fountain of Knowledge

On Tuesday 5th June, our new academic scholars were able to gain an insight into life at Croydon High School. The day began with an ‘egg’cellent team building ‘eggs’ercise which stretched students in terms of their creativity and problem solving abilities.

Students then enjoyed a range of workshops. The first was ‘How to Leave the Cave’ which gave the girls an introduction to philosophical thought. Then came the ‘Ink-redible Cephalophods’; some of the girls guessed that this may involve some kind of ink-based printing, but it was actually a squid dissection! There were sessions on how to debate and problem solve effectively as well as a session on ‘Building Robots’.

The girls thoroughly enjoyed the day and it was lovely for them to have an opportunity to meet one another and gain a better understanding of our expectations of them as academic scholars.

A big thank you to our current Year 7 academic scholars who were fantastic ‘Big Sisters’ for the day and made the girls feel very welcome.